
Adult Members and Adult Nominations

Each year, upon holding a unit election for youth candidates that results in at least one youth candidate being elected, a unit committee may nominate registered unit adults, 21 years of age or older, for membership in the OA to the lodge adult selection committee, composed of the lodge adviser, the chairman of the council committee on which the lodge adviser serves, and the lodge staff adviser. The number of adults nominated can be no more than two-thirds of the number of youth candidates elected, rounded up where the number of youth candidates is not a multiple of three.

In addition to the two-thirds limit, the unit committee may nominate the currently serving unit leader (but not assistant leaders), as long as he or she has served as unit leader for at least the previous 12 months.

Recommendations of the adult selection committee, with the approval of the Scout executive, will be candidates for induction, provided the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • Selection of the adult is based on the ability to perform the necessary functions to help the OA fulfill its purpose, and not for recognition of service, including current or prior achievement and positions.
  • The individual will be an asset to the OA because of demonstrated abilities that fulfill the purpose of the Order.
  • The camping requirements set forth for youth members are fulfilled.
  • The adult leader’s membership will provide a positive example for the growth and development of the youth members of the lodge.

Adult leaders in Council and District positions: The lodge adviser, district chairmen, council president, or members of the professional staff may nominate adults to the lodge adult selection committee. All requirements set forth for adult leaders in units must be fulfilled, with the exception of the camping requirements, which may be waived at the discretion of the lodge adviser and Scout executive. Recommendations of the adult selection committee, with the approval of the Scout executive, serving as Supreme Chief of the Fire, will become candidates for induction. Adults may be nominated for membership only one time per year as either unit Scouters or district/council Scouters, but not both. How they are nominated depends on where they maintain their primary registration.

Adult Nomination Process:  After a unit completes its youth member election, unit leaders will have the option to input an adult nomination in the Lodgemaster system.

Lodgemaster is our preferred means for receiving adult nominations. However, it is also possible to submit a hard copy version of the nomination form if Lodgemaster access presents a challenge. All sections of the nomination form must be completed for consideration, including listing the BSA ID number. Original signed copies of the adult nomination form must be submitted to the Lodge Adviser or the Mount Baker Council office for review and approval.

Adult Nomination Form 2022-2023