
Cub Scout Advancement and Recognition

The Cub Scout advancement plan provides fun for cubs, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges, and strengthens family understanding as adult family members work with cubs on advancement projects.  Requirements become progressively more challenging at each age level, matching the increased skills and abilities of a cub as they grow older.

  • Bobcat – With the exception of Lions, all cubs must earn the Bobcat badge prior to completion of the badge for their age group.
  • Lion – Kindergarten
  • Tiger  – First grade
  • Wolf – Second grade
  • Bear – Third grade
  • Webelos  – Fourth and Fifth grades
  • Arrow of Light Award – After the Webelos badge

Click here for more information about the Cub Scout ranks on the National web site.

Click here for more information about Online Scout Rank Resources – Cub Scouts

Other Cub awards and recognition

For the cubs: Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award, Religious Emblems, Cub Scout World Conservation Award, Leave No Trace Awareness Award, Emergency Preparedness AwardSTEM and Nova Awards,  and medals for competing in Cub Scout derbies, field days, and other competitive events can win medals to wear on their uniform.

Cub Scout Adventures: Cub Scouts have the ability to earn required and elective recognition as they work towards their rank.  Lion, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Scouts earn adventure loops while Webelos Scouts earn pins.

For den and pack: Just as Cub Scouts can earn individual awards for themselves, they can also work together to earn awards for their whole den or their pack. National Den Award, National Summertime Pack Award, National Quality Unit Award, William T. Hornaday Unit Award.

For the family: This program was designed to help families accomplish worthy goals while building and strengthening relationships among family members. All family members are encouraged to participate and may earn the award. Sept 2019 Update – This award is currently being revised.

Cub Scout Leader Recognition Awards

Recognition awards are available to Cub Scout leaders who complete training, tenure, and performance requirements.
See Adult Awards and Recognition